
Book Notes from “How to Fail At Almost Everything and Still Win Big” by Scott Adams

systems > goals Passion is for suckers. Most people who are passionate end up failing (usually they are long shot odds). A banker doesn’t want to give a loan to someone who is passionate. He had a long term goal of producing something that was infinitely scalable, that didn’t take his time. Decided to try […]


Portfolio Construction: All Weather vs. Stock/Bond Mix

I’ve been looking for alternatives to traditional stock/bond mixes. Why? Although “everyone knows” that “stocks go up in the long run”, that doesn’t mean most people can stomach the volatility. Can you really imagine seeing half of your money disappear overnight? Also – although stocks have historically always done well over a 15 year time […]


7 Levels of Investors

Having guideposts or a framework can often be useful for figuring out where you are going and where you are. I referred to the 7 Levels of Investors that John Burley originally put out that Kiyosaki made famous. Here’s a link to that free e-book which I’ve found useful as a guide: The table […]


Some thoughts on Robert Kiyosaki + Rich Dad Poor Dad

A question in the FI/RE movement came up recently: “What do you think of Robert Kiyosaki”? I’ve spent a lot of time studying Robert Kiyosaki. I think there are lots of good things (and some bad things) about him: The Good: * Investing is largely about psychology, and very little about “how to”. There are […]


How to get shit done – BF Skinner Style

More around positive reinforcement: I often find that I’ve started a task but don’t want to finish it and would rather do something else.  Being “self employed” as I am now, the really tough part is actually getting things done without a “boss” hovering over my shoulder (metaphorically speaking, of course).  So when I’m half […]


31 Ways to be More Productive (or: Book Notes: Instant Focus by Patrick King)

The introduction to this book immediately appealed to me as it described my own situation.  When I was an employee, I thought that without pointless meetings, commuting, etc. that I would be more productive.  Now that I’m on my own, I’ve been struggling to get stuff done.  I’ve had to build a routine/structure (as if […]


Processes Over Affirmations

I’m starting to favor processes over affirmations. Here’s why – when I write an affirmation like “I am an amazing athlete” and yet I’m overweight, smoke a bunch of cigarettes and drink every night, it just seems like bullshit. It’s actually not congruent with my behavior, and I explicitly think it’s untrue (I think “I […]


Need a startup idea?

Here are a bunch of start up ideas for the people who need some!


100% Returns with Option Trading

This guy gets 100% returns doing option trading:


Book Notes: “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ Demarco

For the one minute summary: There are three “lanes” (these are the equivalent to financial “velocities”): the side walk the slow lane the fast lane The side walk: those who live paycheck to paycheck. They often are in debt they blame everyone else, expect others to help them. the world owes them something. Slow lane: […]